Our Curriculum

Our Grow, Blossom and Flourish Curriculum For Learning is carefully constructed around the needs and requirements of our children. It takes into account: the skills and interests of our teachers, the locality and community of the school, the relationships between the school and other institutions, the school’s place in the wider world and the responsibility of educating children to flourish in society.

Learning happens in our school because Subject Leaders and teachers:

  • Plan and teach learning sequences and associated activities using Grow, Blossom and Flourish progressions
  • Are very clear how the school curriculum, and within that individual subjects, build upon previous knowledge and encourage deep learning
  • Put a high status on the teaching, delivery and curriculum of English; with oracy, phonics, reading and writing at the core
  • Understand the value of key knowledge and understanding
  • Understand the value of key skills and vocabulary
  • Plan some subjects discreetly, to be delivered daily/weekly
  • Plan some subjects around a termly project so that the acquisition of knowledge and skills is purposeful and engaging
  • Use ‘Primary Provocations’ to encourage children to think deeply, ask questions, debate and have opinions
  • Use ‘Final Flourishes’ so that children can share and celebrate their learning

Both maths and English curriculum focus is rooted in the Early Years – appreciating that foundational knowledge impacts further lifestyle choices as well as academic outcomes.

Please take time to visit our class web pages which gives further information about each termly curriculum overview.