PE and Sports Premium


PE and Sports Premium

To enable the children at the Fellowship of All Saints, Kirkby Overblow and North Rigton CE Primary Schools to Grow, Blossom and Flourish we feel there is a necessity to foster a healthy, an active and a physically fit – lifestyle approach. We aim for all sporting activities to be fully inclusive and for the children to really enjoy taking part in them; throughout the school day in the classroom as part of the curriculum; at playtime, at clubs during lunchtime and after school; during PE lessons and at sporting competitions and festivals.

Our PE curriculum

A wide range of PE is delivered over a 2-year rolling programme. We aim for this programme to be fully inclusive, and the expectation is that all children will participate although some differentiation may take place to fulfil individual needs. As with all areas of the curriculum we apply a growth mind set, using our school and sporting values, and measuring the impact of learning through growing to blossoming and flourishing.


Our main aim is to raise participation levels and the profile of sport within the school and engage more of those children who are not instinctively drawn to sports. This is now being achieved with various sporting clubs and competitions being arranged across the fellowship.


We also aim to develop those children who are already involved in the sporting life of the school to a higher standard and to allow them to compete at higher levels. This is achieved through entering teams in cluster and district competitions; our teams have won through to level 3 competitions during 2019-20. Our Year 3 and 4 children all swim for 10 weeks per school year and we now offer challenge in swimming through learning to play water polo and learning to snorkel.


A wide range of PE is delivered to the pupils, which aims to engage and inspire all pupils to grow, blossom and flourish. Sports taught are wide and varied, both during the school day and as extra-curricular clubs and on residential trips.


Opportunities include

Traditional team games: football, netball, hockey, cricket.

Individual pursuits: cross country, orienteering and tennis

Bespoke activities: archery, climbing and fencing.

For the past 5 years, funds have been used to employ a Specialist PE teacher (Mr R) and this expertise is used across the schools to teach pupils from EYFS – Year 6 in PE activities ranging from orienteering to tag rugby or multi skills and at the same time for staff to benefit from CPD within these areas, in order to update and improve skills.


We also engage sports specialists to come into school to deliver high quality PE and Sport interventions. From competition preparation groups in KS1 and KS2, to coordination workshops and flourishing groups across the school for our most able children, all children have the chance to engage in and benefit from high quality teaching and learning in PE. If you are a sports specialist, please feel free to contact the school regarding opportunities to provide your specialism.



In every aspect of school life, we aim for pupils to grow, blossom and flourish, this is part of the Fellowships culture for all pupils. Not unlike every other school, there is considerable pressure to maintain standards and a good to outstanding status, but the school’s leadership recognises that one of its key contributing tools for success has been the importance placed on sport, including competitive sport. Through sport, the children further develop the school values of respect, koinonia, resilience, perseverance, compassion and kindness. This then impacts on learning back in the classroom.


From an early age, competitive sport is nurtured and encouraged, with KS1 pupils preparing for and entering local competitions in athletics, football, and gymnastics. In KS2, the school’s aim is for every child to take part in at least one sports festival. Skills are taught through P.E. lessons and through a sports provision offered after school and during lunchtime. The school is keen to provide extra-curricular clubs for pupils in Hockey, Change 4 Life, Dance and General Sport.


In Year 6, we have Sports Advocates. This pupil-based team take responsibility for running lunchtime clubs, organising level 1 intra-house competition and auditing, monitoring and reporting on schools’ competition. This is an engaging project for these pupils at the top end of the school and allows them to explore the organisational aspects of leadership. As part of this, our Sports Advocates lead events such as ‘Better Yourself Week’; allowing all children across the school to develop confidence and strength through personal challenge. This includes things like ‘how many skips can you complete in 30 seconds?’ Pupils are encouraged to up-skill throughout the week and then assess how they have progressed after following training led by our Sports Advocates or teachers.


Extra-Curricular Activities

Across the fellowship, the children are offered a wide range of sporting opportunities outside of lesson time. These clubs change every half term to provide sports that appeal to all our students over the year. Some of these clubs will include the chance to represent the schools at competitions or matches – where the children will take pride in demonstrating our school sporting values. The children’s achievements, for participation or success, are celebrated every time in assembly through certificates of achievement.


We recognise the impact upon community cohesion, which is strengthened through the school’s involvement in competitive sport. Pupils from local primary schools build good relationships with other children with whom they will move to secondary school. Parental involvement is good, with many of our parents offering to transport, support with coaching or just come along and cheer on the team. Our local secondary schools offer a range of sports activities for local primary schools which we actively signpost our pupils to along with local sporting clubs.


We believe that there are positive benefits upon the development of a child’s character from sport both competitive and non-competitive, believing wholeheartedly that a child who learns resilience, perseverance and respect on the sports field will apply the same skills within the classroom. Growing, blossoming and flourishing in both areas.


How are the improvements we have made in 2021/2022 sustainable?

  • We share good practice in school between teachers, in the MAT and at PLT meetings.
  • Subject leader (Mr Anderson) undertakes learning walks and lesson observations to monitor the teaching of PE and the impact it is having on the children’s progress. This is fed back during staff meetings.
  • Class teachers have undertaken CPD, which has improved their practice for the future. They have gained confidence and knowledge is delivering a range of areas of PE.
  • Regular discussions with children and sports crew to get their feedback
  • Swimming Lessons for year 3/4 resumed in Spring 2022
  • Subject leaders carry out a yearly audit of staff skills and equipment to know the requirements for the next academic year
  • Mr Rodrigues has supported the sports ambassadors in running clubs for KS1 on a playtime.
  • We have increased children’s physical activity through providing more extra-curricular clubs and lunchtime activities for all children to participate in.
  • Forest School has continued this year – Miss Richards-Smith and Miss Lauren led sessions at All Saints and all children from North Rigton visited Kith Homestead.


Evidencing-the-Impact-All Saints 23.24

Evidencing the Impact – All Saints 2023

Evidencing the Impact – North Rigton 22.23