North Rigton Reception

Teaching Staff

Apples Class is taught by Miss Burrow and Mrs Jackson.

Miss Bayman and Miss Vickers help to support the children in their work and play.



2025 Spring Term
‘We Are’ focus We are Explorers  

“Are gold and jewels the most precious treasures to find?”


English Key Texts:

  • I Love My Pirate Papa
  • The Night Pirates
  • The Pirates Next Door
Phonics Continuing to re visit and put into practice the Read Write Inc set 1 sounds.

Start learning the Read Write Inc set 2 sounds.

  • Mass and capacity
  • Growing 6, 7, 8
  • Length, height and time
  • Building 9 and 10
  • Explore 3-D shapes



Where do we live?

Our local environment

The natural world

Differences/similarities of different environments

Similarities and differences between ourselves and others

North Rigton walk (map of North Rigton)


Famous pirates

Then and now

Creating and making our own boats.

Is the pirate code similar to our school values.

PE Gymnastics

Multi skills

RE  Spring 1


Why do Christians put a cross in an Easter Garden.

Spring 2

Which stories are special and why?

Computing  Using a computer, tablet or I pad.
Personal, Social and Health Education How do we keep safe?

Useful Information

Weekly Routines

During the Spring term (1), PE will take place on a Tuesday and Wednesday.
Reading books will be changed weekly.
Please bring in a water bottle everyday.
We have access to the outdoor classroom whatever the weather so please ensure your child has a warm coat.


Useful Documents

We are Explorers Yr B SPRING 24-25


Speedy Green Words

Red Word List

Year 2 Spelling Overview

Positive Relationships-understanding sustained shared thinking

Useful websites to support learning

Speed Sounds Practice Sheets

Read Write inc free Ebooks

Oxford Owl free Ebooks

Please ask the Class Teacher for Username and Password

Teddy Number Games

Underwater Counting Games

Maths Games for 3-5 Year Olds

Maths Games for 5-7 Year Olds