North Rigton Reception

Teaching Staff

Apples Class is taught by Miss Burrow and Mrs Jackson.

Miss Bayman and Miss Vickers help to support the children in their work and play.




2024-2025 Autumn Term
‘We are’ Focus ‘We are Artist’ (Banksy artwork 2020)

‘Do all Superheroes wear capes?’

English Begin set 1 RWI Rhyming and listening games ____________________________
Elliot Midnight superhero
Real superheroes
Maths Match, sort and compare
Measure and patterns Numbers from 1-10 Shapes
Science/Geography/History Superheroes in real life. Superheroes in history.
Where would we go if we were superheroes? What is there to do there? Banksy
Art/DT/Textiles How different types of materials and media
can be used
Identify different methods of joining fabric
Computing To use technology such as Smart board Sound buttons
I pad
Recognising technology in the classroom and home.
P.E Games
Ball skills
R.E Why is the world so important to Christians? Why do Christians perform Nativity plays at Christmas? The Christmas story.
Personal, Social and Health Education School values and why they matter.
How we use our school values at school and at home.

Useful Information

  • *Please note PE will be on Monday and Friday* – please ensure PE kit is worn to school for these days.
  • Reading books will be changed weekly.
  • Please bring in a water bottle everyday.
  • We have access to the outdoor classroom whatever the weather so please ensure your child has a warm coat.


Useful Documents

Speedy Green Words

Red Word List

Year 2 Spelling Overview

Positive Relationships-understanding sustained shared thinking

Useful websites to support learning

Speed Sounds Practice Sheets

Read Write inc free Ebooks

Oxford Owl free Ebooks

Please ask the Class Teacher for Username and Password

Teddy Number Games

Underwater Counting Games

Maths Games for 3-5 Year Olds

Maths Games for 5-7 Year Olds