All Saints Reception

Teaching staff

In Mars Class, we are taught by our teacher Miss Brown and supported by Mrs Grainger and Mrs Thompson.




Please Click Here for Mars Class Spring Term 2025 Newsletter.

PSHE Curriculum

Useful Information

PE Curriculum

PE will be on a Monday and a Friday, please come in PE kit on those days.

Food and Drink

Water bottles should be taken home and washed daily. We do ask that these bottles only contain water. A healthy snack is also permitted but ensure there are no nuts within this.

Useful websites to support learning

Oxford Owl free Ebooks

Read Write Inc free Ebooks

Speed sounds practice sheets

Please scroll down the page – look for Set 1 / Set 2 (downloadable as PDF)

Phonics play

please ask the Class teacher for the username and password

Teddy Numbers Game

Underwater Counting game

Maths games for 3-5 year olds

Maths games for 5-7 year olds