North Rigton Year One and Two

Teaching Staff

In our class we are taught by Miss Byrnes. When Miss Byrnes is planning, Mrs Mitchell leads the learning in Pears.

Mrs London and Miss Vickers support the children in class.




Summer Term

‘We are’ Focus

We are Explorers

Primary Provocation: Africa is a poor continent

English (Class Texts)

Handa’s Surprise by Eileen Browne and The Lion King by Disney

Children will write setting descriptions, recounts, fact files and poetry linking to our class texts this term.


Children will be continuing to develop their knowledge and understanding of number, fractions and measures, including completing arithmetic and reasoning problems in these areas.


Children will learn about influential African figures Nelson Mandela and Mo Farrah. The children will consider their importance on us today in England.


We will focus on naming and locating the continents and oceans. We will also be exploring environmental similarities and differences between Africa and Europe and identifying the equator and which countries in Africa pass through it.


What makes some places sacred to believers?


Programming and Controlling: This programming unit will teach children to create and debug algorithms. Children will use basic commands to move and draw and then further develop algorithms through the use of the ‘repeat’ command. Children will develop problem-solving strategies, navigation and co-ordination skills.


Athletics Skills – Monday

Bat and Ball Skills – Wednesday


How do we show our feelings?

How do we keep safe online?


Useful Information

To those who need new ones issuing, reading books will be sent home on a Monday afternoon. Please help your child to be a successful reader by practising reading on a daily basis when possible (little but often is good). We also complete guided reading in school which is separate to home/ school reading books; therefore, progress through the reading scheme will be dependent mostly on how much they read out of school, as well as their phonic skills, decoding and comprehension. All children have a reading chart to encourage reading at home – please remember to issue a sticker each time they read at home and remember that there are prizes for every reading chart completed throughout the year. If your child has completed a chart, please post a photograph on Tapestry.

Read, Write Inc. spelling and phonics books have also been sent home and the rules/sounds learned will be posted on Tapestry weekly.

As part of our school policy, children are encouraged to ‘Enjoy Learning Together at Home’ and learning opportunity grids can be found on the website for you to be able to download or print yourselves. These include a list of suggested ways that you may choose to support your child at home. Updates will be made each term and put on the Pears website page for your information.

Thank you so much for your continued support. Please do not hesitate to ask if there is anything you are unsure about.

The Pears Team


Useful Documents

Key Words for Year 1 and 2 Children

Green Words List Y1

Red Word List Y2

Spelling Games and Ideas

Summer Year A Theme Web

Enjoying Learning Together at Home Summer Yr A

Summer – We are Explorers

English Coverage Map

Maths Coverage Map