North Rigton Year Three and Four

Teaching Staff

Our Class teachers are Miss Ellis (who teaches Monday to Thursday morning) and Mrs Butler (who teaches on a Thursday afternoon and a Friday).

Mrs Holder and Miss Vickers also help in Busy Bees.





Summer Term

‘We are….’ Focus

History and Geography

We are Explorers

Provocation – Kennings Poem called ‘Tudor Rotter’

The Tudor period occurred between 1495 and 1603. England underwent huge changes during the reigns of three generations of Tudor monarchs. During the sixteenth century, England emerged from Medieval times securing greater wealth. During Elizabeth’s reign, England grew more powerful as a European nation, overseas trade was encouraged, and the Arts and Culture flourished.

Through this project, the children will use their historical and geographical skills to learn more about this period of history and the impact it had on England, within Europe and the World.

The provocation is in the form of a Kenning poem that has been written to describe King Henry VIII. It will give the children an opportunity to speculate who this poem is about, ask questions and look at the relationships between important Monarchs during this period of history.

See We are Explorers Overview


Through the context of different text types the children will learn to plan, draft, write, evaluate and edit their work. During the year, the children will develop grammatical skills through the text types taught.

In particular this term, in their Grammar and Punctuation lesson, they will focus on the use of apostrophes and inverted commas in direct speech. They will also revise the use of co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions and fronted adverbials. They will apply these within the context of reading and writing Explanation texts, Persuasive Texts and Poetry.

This term, the children will work in groups appropriate to their level of spelling. One group will recap the spelling of the common exception words from Year 1 and 2 and recap the phonics and spelling patterns covered in Year 2. The other group will learn the Year 3 and 4 common exception words and spelling patterns in line with the Years 3 and 4 Read Write Inc Spelling programme. 

There will be weekly handwriting practice to develop your child’s pencil grip, seating position and position of paper. The children will learn to use the diagonal and horizontal strokes that are needed to join letters and increase the legibility, consistency and quality of their handwriting in all pieces of work.       

Through guided reading and independent reading, the children will develop positive attitudes to reading and understanding of what they have read; develop skills to understand what they have read in books they can read independently; retrieve and record information from non-fiction; and participate in discussions about both books read to them and those read themselves. This term they will develop their ‘VIPERS’ skills through their reading of Shakespeare stories in English lessons and through the weekly Whole Class Guided Reading sessions.


Fractions and Decimals; Length, Perimeter and Area, Mass and Capacity, Shape, space and measures, Position and Direction, Money, Time and Statistics.

See ‘Numeracy Long Term Map 2023/24’ document below for yearly overview.


Developing their knowledge, working scientifically skills and lines of enquiry through the Scientific area of ‘Forces and Magnets’, ‘Electricity’ and ‘Rocks and Soils’. See Forces and Magnets overview, Electricity overview, Rocks and soils overview documents for more information.


Greetings with puppets  (times of the day and describing emotions) 

‘In the Classroom’ (giving and following instructions)




Tudor Dancing

Athletics (Track and Field)



Programming and control – using Scratch

Creating and Publishing Media – PowerPoint


How and why do believers show their commitments during the journey of life?

Kingdom of God – When Jesus left, was the impact of Pentecost?

Personal, Social and Health Education

How can we keep safe in our local area?

Celebrating differences


Useful Information

In Year 3 and 4, your child will either be reading a Coloured Reading Scheme book or will have been moved on to Free Choice Reading book by the Classteacher. It is important that as well as listening to your child read, you also ask questions about the content of what they are reading and the language that the author is using. If your child is reading a coloured reading scheme book, these will be sent home regularly to support the teaching of reading in school; please help your child to be a successful reader by practising reading on a daily basis when possible. If your child is reading a free choice book, they may choose to take one home from school or read one that they already have at home. All children will have a reading chart. Please remember to issue a sticker or signature each time they read at home and remember that there are rewards for every reading chart completed throughout the year. Alongside this, there are the Reading for Pleasure Underground Maps. This is an idea to encourage children to read a wide range of different types of books. Please see information and examples on the links below.

On a Tuesday afternoon, the children will have a PE lesson. On this day, please allow your child to come into school dressed in their sports clothes. On a Friday morning, your child will be taking part in Swimming lessons.

Please remember to send your child in to school with a coat and water bottle each day.


Useful Documents

Enjoy Learning Together at Home

As part of our school policy, children are encouraged to ‘Enjoy Learning Together at Home’ and learning opportunity grids can be found below. These include a list of suggested ways that you may choose to support your child at home. Also, please find links to useful resources for you to use at home if you wish to further your child’s enjoyment of learning at home.

Homework and Learning at Home Sept 2023 Busy Bees Years 3 and 4

Busy Bees Learning Opportunities page Summer 2024

Year 3 and 4 Common exception words Orange words

Year 1 and 2 Common exception words Red words



Reading for Pleasure Underground Maps

Reading for Pleasure Underground Map information 2

Blank Copy to make your own

Editable Example and Non-editable Example

100 Books to read for Year 3 and 4




